Hello, World
Pleased to meet you. I'm Talya Blaine, the author of intense and emotional, thought-provoking and sexy romance stories with older characters.
Pleased to meet you. 👋🏼 I'm Talya Blaine, the author of intense and emotional, thought-provoking and sexy romance stories with older characters. You know, older as in ancient, like over the age of 40 or even 🤠50.
I came to the romance genre later in life, after I inadvertently wrote a romance novel myself. I mean, I was aware I was writing the story, but I wasn't sure exactly what it was. An editor I shared it with said it was a romance.
Really? An image of my grandmother's old bodice rippers came to mind – can you picture those covers, the ones with the husky man on a stallion practially carrying the heroine off under one arm?
But then I began reading romances by some amazingly creative and talented writers, and soon fell head over heels with the genre. Now I spend a lot of my spare time reading as many romances as I can. Because (a) I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do and, (b) Who doesn't love a love story with a happy ending?
Who doesn't love a love story with a happy ending?
And that’s in a nutshell why I started this blog—to share the great romance novels I’ve come across and to seek recommendations for what to read next. My hope and plan is to fill these digital pages with book roundups, author interviews, and—shameless self-promotion here—news about my own books.
We’ll see where it goes. If there’s one thing I’ve learned writing romance stories, it’s that we don’t always know the twists and turns relationships, or creative endeavors, will take.
We don’t always know the twists and turns relationships, or creative endeavors, will take.
Thank you for joining me on the journey!